PK-12 Scope and Sequence

  • Truth

    Within a classical Christian liberal arts tradition, we want to constantly be diligent to point our students to the truth. In a world filled with lies and deceit, we teach truth with confidence and boldness, and train students to discern what is true and and what is false.

  • Beauty

    In the same way that we believe in objective truth and teach from that perspective, we also believe in objective beauty. We strive to create opportunities for our students to engage with things in our curriculum that are truly beautiful. As C.S. Lewis points out, a waterfall can be objectively be considered beautiful! As we do so, we direct all the praise to God.

  • Goodness

    Even in this fallen world, goodness can still be found, and we believe we should seek that out and feed our students with it. This often will translate into the culture of the school and how we interact with and treat one another, but it is also something we seek in our studies.